That snow I was so excited about? Bah! At my house, we’d be lucky if we got a total of about 5 flakes.

The only thing piling up around here are more cases of COVID. 🙁
How severe the pandemic is in the places where people I care about are located…
Daily new COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-84.6 (down a tad); Jackson Co – 114.0 (up again) — 5.5% infected (up); Florida 36.0 (down a bit); Nevada – 78.1 (up lots)
Merida was hoping for snow too. She fell asleep in the chair early hoping to see a whole bunch of it when she wakes in the morning…

TIL (Today I Learned): Professional basketball player, Marvin Barnes, once refused to board a plane from Louisville to St. Louis because the flight was scheduled to arrive (Central Time) before its departure time (Eastern Time). Barnes famously said, “I ain’t getting in no damn time machine.”