I’ve had a similar dream twice in the past week. In both dreams I’m euthanized. Yes, seriously. I’ve not been scared either time, but what happens after they inject me is total CRAZY…
In the first dream, I was alone and they let me walk around. Wouldn’t you think they’d at least have you sit down if you were about to keel over dead? Not me! I walked to the nurse’s station and asked to use their phone to let everyone know I was leaving this earth. I talked to my son last, told him I was feeling sleepy… then I woke up.
The second time I was euthanized (oh my goodness!), I was with someone (I don’t remember who it was) and it was decided we should both die. After my shot in this dream, I was suddenly in a hospital bed with my family gathered around me. Now exactly WHY would my family come to the place I was being euthanized? It was like a party… talking about memories and laughing. And the entire time, I couldn’t understand why they didn’t get the heck out of the place before they were also given the shot.
I Googled the interpretation and believe everything I read on the Internet (because I’m bat shit crazy, obviously). I looked at several ‘dream’ sites and all had the same basic analysis:
To dream of euthanasia represents respectful, dignified, or peaceful end to a situation. Ending or changing something on your own terms. Choosing to let go.
Although it’s a pretty positive interpretation considering, I would rather not dream in repeat. We’re living Groundhog Day the way it is with COVID… I’d like for my sleep time to be something different. 🙂

How severe the pandemic is in the places where people I care about are located…
Daily new COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-81.7 (up); Jackson Co – 128.2 (up lots) — 6.07% infected (up); Florida 37.6 (up); Nevada – 66.5 (down)
TIL (Today I Learned): The US Army developed a process for “meat restructuring” in the 1960s which directly led to the invention of the McRib. (Perry and Ben just love restructured meat.)