a look back at 2020 – was it all bad?

Jan 1, 2021

Happy New Year! 2020 is gone (GIT!), and we’ve got a whole new year to fill up with memories.

But 2020 wasn’t ALL bad, you guys. Sure, there were a few pretty poopy moments within my year… like Mom’s fall, Katie’s bum knee, and my trip to the surgeon for removal of a couple spots of cells that wanted to eat my face off. And there were a whole lot of sort of poopy moments… like being stuck at home for the biggest part of the year and wearing a mask around all humans.

But there were some amazing times in there also! We adapted and rolled with what we had. We’ve all made the very best of the situation, right? A look back is proof that there was a whole lot more good than bad in my life — even in 2020.

a look back at 2020

Around 60 votes for the whatifitdid.com theme colors and the top choice was the current color scheme. I don’t have to do a thing. Yay!

2020 vote for color theme

May God bless us all in 2021! I only have one goal for the new year… a trip to Disney World with Ben, Colette and Perry. We’ve got this!