it’s ok to be a night owl but only if you do one thing…

Jan 4, 2021

First, for all of you who THINK your dog can be challenging, I want to share what Merida did yesterday. The little black heathen will jet outside anytime the front door is open. Therefore, it’s imperative you shut the door behind you even if it’s a simple 2-step action you need to perform.

So that’s what I did. I just needed to pick up a package from the front step… 10 seconds tops. I picked up the box, turned around and opened the door. But, it would only open about 3 inches! It’s 30 degrees outside and I’m in shorts with no shoes on. I have no cell phone and no car in the driveway with a garage door opener on the dash.

The turd had dropped her nylon bone right at the bottom of the door and it created the perfect door-stop wedge.

I spent 20 minutes coaxing her in the sweetest tone, “get your toy.”

If only she was as attentive to commands as she is to that small pork chop crumb on my knee…

get that crumb, merida

And TIL (today I learned) that it’s ok to be a night owl. Sometimes. Study after study has shown the later you sleep and rise the more likely you are to have serious health complications. But in a 2018, researchers said the problem could be that night owls are forced to live in a “lark” world.

Genes play a significant role in governing your internal clock. (Thank you so much, Mom!) There are people (like me) whose biological clock says to stay up late. The challenge for them is when their employer expects them to arrive at work early.

Interesting to note — other studies have shown the morning vs night person thing can also reveal a personality trait. Day-dwellers are more focused on achieving goals and paying attention to details, while nighttime folks are typically more creative and open to new experiences.

So what are you? A goal chasing lark or a clever and imaginative night owl?

How severe the pandemic is in the places where people I care about are located…

Daily NEW COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-66.0 (way down); Jackson Co – 50.0 (way down); Florida 60.0 (up again significantly); Nevada – 59.9 (down)

Jackson County is on the down swing. Yippee! 🙂

Jackson County covid numbers going down per cnn graph