I know a whole bunch of people that are vying for the title ‘World Champion of Conspiracy Theories’! I’m starting to wonder if I’m in training for it myself. The more you read all that’s thrown at you, the closer you’ll be to that very goal.
Take for example the following post from Facebook:
Here’s the link that was shared that will take you to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum to read the article on Nazi propaganda and censorship.
Because the author of the above post mentioned the loss of thousands of Twitter followers, I checked our business account to see if we had lost any. I did it all in fun because I figured it was just an exaggerated number to make a point.
But no! We went from over 43,000 followers last week to 36,300 followers as of tonight.
And after that scary revelation, I closed out my browser window and I’m going to bed. My monitor’ background doesn’t make me think about censorship or COVID-19 or anything frightening. I’m going to turn over the conspiracy theory title to someone younger and stronger. I’m too tired and too old to worry about it.

TIL (Today I Learned): While in prison before his cult murdered Sharon Tate and others, Charles Manson took a class based on Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” It was from Carnegie’s lessons that Manson learned much of what he used to heavily influence and manipulate his followers. Read about Manson’s turning point…