i have removed all the bad food from the house…

Jan 19, 2021

I got a text from my favorite brother yesterday that read, “Diet Day #1: I have removed all the bad food from the house. It was delicious.” He’s lost around 35-pounds so I asked him how the diet was REALLY going. He said better now that his chef (wife, Tammy) is home. I’m guessing as she spent the holidays with her grandkids in Indiana, he had Uber Eats on speed dial.

So then, I shared a photo of my dinner meal. Favorite place to eat while at Disney World is Le Cellier Steakhouse. This meal was from Le Perrier Steakhouse featuring Chef Perry and his assistant responsible for the sides, ME. 😉

Le Perrier featuring Chef Perry.

Under a winter weather advisory until early this morning, I expected some white stuff when I woke up. Disappointment is what I got. No snow. None. Nada. As life in general is pretty darned boring right now — not going out to eat or shopping at the mall, etc. — I was hoping for something to “change it up” a bit. A big snow was on my wish list.

Maybe it’s a good thing there wasn’t a ton of snow because the Peskies would’ve driven in it. Even white-out conditions wouldn’t have kept them home because it’s VACCINE DAY for them. I figure my day will come around August or September.

How severe the pandemic is in the places where people I care about are located…

Daily NEW COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-56.4 (down); Jackson Co – 39.1 (way down); Florida 62.7 (down); Nevada – 59.4 (down)

TIL (Today I Learned): When Frank Sinatra’s was born, the doctor thought he was a stillborn. Blue and not breathing, it was only when his grandmother picked up the newborn, ran him under cold water and slapped his back that Sinatra started breathing.