The iPhone 12 led to Apple’s largest revenue and profit in company history without my money. I plan to sit out this round and keep my $1200 so long as the 11 Pro Max I have keeps working. Right now, I just care that I have a decent camera on a phone that works that isn’t an Android.
However, if I didn’t pay my electric/gas bill this month I could just about have a brand spankin’ new one. What’s up with electric being so darned high? I know it’s been really cold, but I’ve seen so many people on FB saying their bills doubled this month — even in L’ville. It’s not because we’re home more because I’ve always worked from home.
And since we’re limited on what we can do… we eat. Lots. Tonight was Chinese (my least favorite type of food on the planet). The only good thing was that granddaughter of mine came to eat too. You know how I’ve always talked about how Ben (my one and only) makes a crazy face for every single photo? Welp… he’s taught his offspring well:
Even when not making a face, Colette loves making you work for just a decent photo. Even then, a smile is only possible in candid shots.
And we’re FINALLY to the point we don’t have to put the black hellion in a cage when anyone comes. It might be because she’s wearing a shock collar. I would highly recommend! I felt awful putting the juice to her, but that one single time was all it took. Now, when we make the collar beep she knows to settle down and usually does. The next step is vibration and we only get to that point a couple times a week. She’s going to be just fine someday. Just not today. 🙂
How severe the pandemic is in the places where people I care about are located…
Daily NEW COVID-19 cases (7 day moving average):
Indiana-38.4 (down); Jackson Co – 39.7 (up); Florida 49.0 (down); Nevada – 34.5 (down)
TIL (Today I Learned): A woman in a wheelchair won a treadmill on the Price is Right. When someone tweeted “I laughed but then felt bad”, she replied “Don’t feel bad. I feel great. I’ve been popping wheelies all day.”