can’t wait to get my organic red bell pepper

Feb 14, 2021

What a crazy, mixed-up, Sunday! First things first… happy Valentine’s Day. It’s pre-snowstorm Sunday, and when I saw this on Facebook this morning I didn’t know how true it would be by afternoon:

grocery substitutions

My Wal-mart grocery order was delivered right on time at 3:00 PM. Perry carries it all inside only for me to take one look and KNOW it’s not my order. Tons of baking items — from icings and mixes to flour, cupcake tins and sprinkles — it was bags and bags of stuff I did not order. I call Wal-mart, Perry carries it all back out to the front porch, and the DoorDash dude picks it up.

Thirty minutes later, he delivers “my” order. This time, it has most of my stuff PLUS 3 gallons of distilled water, 5 containers of Nutella, 4 containers of organic poppy seeds, 2 pounds of organic honeycrisp apples, and a box of fiber bars. Perry’s CUPS of Ramen are the packets so they go to the trash. No red bell peppers included, and these beautiful roses did NOT come in a Wal-mart delivery. 🙂

Valentine roses

The forecast has now been upgraded to include MORE snow and I couldn’t be happier! While I hope we keep electricity, we’re ready for the worst. I can flush toilets even without a generator and eat protein bars with Nutella and poppy seeds on top for days. 🙂

TIL (Today I Learned): There are 100,000 companies registered in the Cayman Islands. A single building, the Ugland House, is “holding” 20,000 of them. The current population of the Cayman Islands is 64,000.