First, I firmed up an IN-PERSON, LIVE event for July. So it’s in South Dakota and not Hawaii — but it’s a gig. A full-fee event with real people in the audience! I take that as a sign that life is slowly returning to some semblance of normal. The event is to be at a Sheraton. For a time, even if companies wanted to have a live event, hotels/resorts wouldn’t take the booking because of liability. This too is a good sign.
Next, and the primary reason I feel like I’ve hit the lottery… drum roll please… I have scheduled COVID vaccine #1 for early next week. I understand the best protection will be about 6 weeks after that, but that’s ok. I probably could’ve gotten in a little sooner but am told it’s so simple at the hospital — and it’s so close to me. While some places offer Pfizer, I’ll be getting Moderna. I’m good with that, too.
“The Moderna vaccine has been shown to have an efficacy of approximately 92 percent in protecting against COVID-19, starting 14 days after the first dose.”
World Health Organization

Funny how different states are handling the vaccination process. My favorite brother in Vegas is eligible there; however, they only offer appointments 3-days in advance. After trying for over a week, he now has an appointment. In Nevada, they require you to schedule shot #2 at the same time you schedule #1. In Indiana, they schedule your 2nd one as you’re there for the 1st.
One other thing I found out… In Indiana, you can now get an antibody test for $25 at any Kroger/Foods Plus with results in 15-minutes. At the time I might’ve still had antibodies (suspect we were positive after our last Disney trip), the test was $200 and not covered by insurance. I scheduled it along with a COVID test, but by appointment time they were no longer offering them.