I’ve said it before… I’m a coffee snob. I LOVE my coffee… espressos… lattes… etc. To accomplish this goodness at home, I have a Cuisinart k-cup machine, a Cuisinart carafe coffee maker, a Nespresso machine, a french press, a milk frother, and more.
Neither the Cuisinart nor the Nespresso brand appliances are cheap, you guys. So when Perry walked in with an Instant Pod coffee machine thing claiming it was an early birthday gift, the snob in me almost rolled my eyes! (I know, I’m such a turd.)
First, to get the Nespresso pods in, the lid must be all the way up. That’s not possible if you want the thing to fit under a kitchen counter. And… if you want to fill the water reservoir, that too requires a bit of maneuvering and not feasible when the machine is under the counter. Again, Perry… what WERE you thinking??
I moved everything around and came up with a makeshift coffee bar that eliminated all my fancy dancy coffee shit.
Sadly, if you want to do milk frothing, you probably won’t want to do it on top of a wooden cabinet — and I’m out of plugins now over there anyway. For now, the two Cuisinart machines and the Nespresso machine have taken up residence in the garage. But you know what?
This thing makes a great cup of coffee!! And, it’s sooooo easy to make a often much needed morning Black Eye. Who knew $100 bucks could do almost as much and almost as good as all the other stuff combined?
The Red Eye is a coffee with one shot of espresso; The Black Eye has two shots; and The Green Eye has three.
TIL (Today I Learned): During WWII, M&Ms were exclusively sold to the US military. The were heat-resistant, easy to transport, and perfect for soldiers’ rations.