i ain’t goin’ back to the red zone!

Mar 12, 2021

As US states open up and drop mask mandates — even before Biden announced he is directing US states to open vaccine eligibility to all adults no later than May 1 — Italy is taking a different approach. At least according to my friend that lives there…

Italy going red?

I can’t even imagine how US citizens would react if they were told that instead of opening up more fully, we would instead go back to previous phases of lock-down. You think anyone would be out getting a last-minute haircut? Or you think they’d be protesting and spewing vitriol over social media? I’m guessing the latter.

I wouldn’t be one of the public complainers, but I would likely be a silent rule-breaker. I’m just now feeling comfortable enough to spend more time with two of my favorite people on the planet — and it would take more than a red-zone to make me give that up.

a visit from two of my favorite people

TIL (Today I Learned): IBM had to change the name of its dominant chess computer, ‘Deep Thought’, to ‘Deep Blue’ after people started calling it ‘Deep Throat’.