Merida was born at the wrong time and place.

Mar 25, 2021

Either Merida was born years too late and in the wrong country — OR she had a previous life as a knocker-up. Know what that is? I didn’t either…

A knocker-up (sometimes called a knocker-upper) was a profession in Britain and Ireland. It was their job to wake people up so they could get to work on time. Knocker-uppers used a baton to knock on doors of workers living on lower floors, and a pea-shooter for those living on higher ones.

Merida doesn’t approve of late sleepers. No need for a baton though… she just pulls the covers off of sleeping humans and jumps from the bed to the floor and back to the bed over and over again. And then, if you don’t get up as per her demand, she sulks. Mad at the entire world. 🙂

Sulking black lab, Merida

Or maybe that’s not a sulking face! She could be wistfully thinking about her past life and the time she spent in Ireland shooting peas at windows and getting paid for it.

TIL (Today I Learned): Prior to becoming an actor, Harrison Ford worked as a roadie for The Doors.