I’m wearing a ring I can barely pronounce and walking miles while getting nowhere

Mar 28, 2021

It’s after midnight and I’m listening to thunder rumble outside. It was 76 today and tomorrow the high is projected to be around 50 something. It’s all good — I can continue to walk a bajillion miles on my treadmill to nowhere. But now, I can do it while wearing my new OURA ring.

oura ring box on tennis shoes

The OURA ring was a gift, and prior to today I didn’t know much about it. I even had to Google search how to pronounce it. To summarize, I guess it’s supposed to support overall health with a major foothold in sleep.

You wear it all the time — even in water — and the battery lasts 5-7 days. I know by 10:00 PM it was nagging me to turn off any “blue light” (computer) and get ready for sleep. I put it on the charger to get a full pump while I’m doing what it doesn’t want me to.

It sets daily goals based upon your sleep and readiness and counts steps/calories expended. It’s supposed to know why you feel the way you feel by recording and analyzing a variety of health related things. If it says I’m old and sleepy, I’ll know it’s accurate.

I’ll keep you posted on the pros and cons over the next week or so. I’m wondering if it would be a good thing for Mom. But hey, she looks pretty healthy and happy without one so it might be a waste. 🙂

Mom and Carl

TIL (Today I Learned): Heroin was synthesized, named, commercialized and marketed by Bayer, the pharmaceutical company.