like a go-cart only better

May 10, 2021

I got in my own car today with my son behind the wheel. I swear, it felt like a go-cart ride. He drives my Mini like he’s on a track. Weaving in and out of traffic and accelerating/braking to the point my neck muscles would rival Arnold Schwarzenegger’s from 30-years ago if we did it a few times a week. Of course, the radio was blaring.

go cart ride

It’s easy to see driving is serious business for Ben. Not for me… I was just happy to be out risking my life for pho chin. Note to self: Stop leaning forward for photos because your head looks to be the size of a watermelon.

Dying from COVID now that we’re both fully vaccinated isn’t as risky as riding in my car with my son, but I still appreciated the restaurant staff at Pho Shiki wearing masks. It’s awesome to get out and do things that feel “normal.” Although COVID is still a concern, we’re absolutely on the down-hill side.

pho shiki

We also had Gyoza and house salad — both great but neither warranted a photo — and I even came home with a large container of their house dressing. Happy Mothers Day to me! 🙂 I didn’t even spill my Starbucks drink on the crazy drive home. Today was my lucky day.

TIL (Today I Learned): Margaret Hamilton (the Wicked Witch of the East) was badly burned while filming the Wizard of Oz. She returned to the set after being hospitalized but refused to do any more scenes with fire. Her stunt double did those — and was also injured on the set when a riding prop that spewed smoke exploded.