When using WordPress for a site such as this, you land upon a dashboard when signing in. This morning, I noticed the number of visitors blocked for attempting to access places they don’t belong was higher than usual. It seems that users located in Herzegovina thought there was something here of value.
Maybe you’re better at geography than I, but I’d never heard of Herzegovina.
Bosnia… I’ve heard of Bosnia! Interesting to learn that Herzegovina is the Mediterranean area of Bosnia. The US maintains command of NATO headquarters there and has passed over $2 billion in assistance to them — but US travelers are warned not to plan visits.
Our tax dollars probably trained the hackers — but they may as well move along because there’s nothing of value here. Unless, of course, Herzegovinians are interested in how incredible the food is that comes off of a Blackstone Griddle…
Or maybe, they want to know about what month Midwesterners trim hedges. Or how they mow grass before days of rain even though the growth wasn’t really enough to warrant it.

Happy Monday everyone (even the Herzegovinians)! Perry’s back to work after a week of vacation and the normal grind is… well, normal. I think more about retirement every single day. I’m guessing Perry thinks about it too. Sadly, he’s still youngster and has at least 15 more years to put in. The good news is that Jerilyn has already retired and Perry knows how to feed and care for the puppies. Maybe we’ll check out Bosnia. 😉
TIL (Today I Learned): When giraffes are born, they fall six feet on their head, but it’s the fall that gets them to start breathing.