i want one of them ‘cut and paste’ jobs

Jun 13, 2021

We all have electricity, right? And… we probably all have Internet access too. You’re reading this after all. 🙂 So have you ever thought about how our lives would be different if our electric power companies provided similar experiences as our Internet service providers? I’m not talking about severe weather days here — just random days.

Can you imagine not knowing if today you’d only have a little power — or maybe none at all? Your lights might flicker and sometimes go off and your A/C wouldn’t work long enough to cool your home. You couldn’t have a freezer with spotty power service. I’m sure you could think of a bajillion other things that would change if our electric power companies weren’t consistently providing us the service we pay for.

Our Internet was down all day yesterday. It was spotty at best the day before. Order a pizza in Seymour? Sorry… phones are down as are the machines that connect for payment approval. Businesses can’t do business and security cameras are all off. I couldn’t even set an alarm on Alexa to tell me when my cake had finished baking.

my cake survived

There were over 2 million people in the same boat as me yesterday. Metronet was in the shitter. (As an aside… at least I had my phone service. Verizon and Straight Talk were also out yesterday in this area. ATT is my mobile provider and it’s been experiencing issues for the past week, but held strong throughout yesterday’s outage.) How did Metronet handle the 2 million people that weren’t getting what they pay for? By cutting and pasting the same response over and over and over again.

I want that job!!

Metronet said:Main fiber lines were severely damaged and has effected us as well as other providers throughout the USA.” So… how were the lines damaged? These main fiber lines… where are they? Inquiring minds want to know!

In other news… I did get to mow between raindrops. That’s something my neighbor didn’t get to do. It rained every day last week and grass everywhere celebrated. Poor Bret… his wife is probably giving him a hard time. 😉

my yard looks better than yours