clients can be friends… sort of…

Aug 1, 2021

I might’ve mentioned before about a client with ties to Bloomington & Seymour, IN who now owns a company in Washington, DC. I hope not to repeat myself but I received an email from her today that has me thinking how many clients truly become friends. With only that little thread of common ground, we now exchange emails that cover everything from family to business.

The problem here is our correspondence began because she’s a client of my favorite brother — and that is now a slight blip. Here’s just one paragraph of a long email I received today…

“My last Zoom with Scott was fun and, of course, helpful.  He mentioned again how great you are and definitely alluded to things running smoothly because of all you do.  He also mentioned you were a history buff.  What kind of history do you like?  I have some pretty cool stuff from when I worked in The West Wing of The White House and from Capitol Hill when I worked there.”

I hate history! I hate old stuff and can’t remember shit if it’s not something I’m currently doing. WHAT WAS HE THINKING?? And, how am I to answer that when I barely know who fought in the Civil War?? My dog knows more about history than I do… and she’s not yet TWO.

Merida is not yet 2-years-old

Cheryl Vierling was my history teacher in high school and I like her much better now than I did then. I stayed away from history in college. I’m at a loss insofar as how in the world I’m supposed to answer “what kind of history do you like?”

NONE. No… can’t say that.

Instead, since my brother offered that up, I’ll let HIM tell me how to answer it…

Dear MFB (my favorite brother): WTF? Do you know nothing about your baby sister? Since I HATE history more than taking a stick in the eye, please provide a response for me to share.

TIL (Today I Learned): In 2010, Microsoft created a smartphone called the Microsoft Kin. It was so unpopular it was discontinued after just 48 days.