i’m itching to get back to weed wacking

Aug 3, 2021

Working mornings on Ben’s yard, I’m so looking forward to more weed wacking and clean-up tomorrow. 🙄 You know the quote as it applies to business, but I can attest to the fact that it also applies to yardwork specifically…

That blister is the least of my problems though. Ben sent a text this evening and said he thought he “got into something.” He sent a photo of his arm that’s broken out with some kind of creeping crud from the mutated weeds we’ve been attacking. I didn’t tell him, but whatever is on his arm is on my leg. And it ITCHES! It’s all I can do not to take a hairbrush to it.

In other news, my tomato plants still have green babies while the Peskies are delivering huge ripe tomatoes to me at least every other day. I’m eating those suckers like it’s my job — even for breakfast — and I still can’t keep up. My plants have a 90% chance of ending up in this week’s trash pick-up.

eggs and tomatoes for breakfast

And… I won $250 bucks on a scratch off lottery ticket. First one I’ve picked up in forever, so now I might be addicted. Saving the best for last — I booked a speech today for a LIVE EVENT in October. Yippee! Things are looking up. Or, at least they will be if I can stop itching and eat more tomatoes. 🙂

TIL (Today I Learned): There is a little known island in New York City called Hart Island used as a burial ground for poor or unidentified people for decades. In 2012, Hurricane Sandy’s heavy storm surge tore at its shore revealing hundreds of human bones.