my new side hustle

Aug 18, 2021

Everyone has a side hustle and now I have one too! After trying to do one load of laundry for 2 full days, I decided it was time to do something.

The washer sort of did this before and Perry pulled the screens on the water hoses where they hook to the wall. It was all good for a time but starting getting worse last week. Unable to finish the load started, it was time for action! So I pull a HEAVY washer (full of clothes and water) away from the wall, take out my trusty wrench and go to work.

dirty washing machine screens

A new well a couple years ago and I’m pretty sure the sand from that time did a number on the screens. Although Perry cleaned those on the wall side, he didn’t do the water hose connections on the washing machine side. It’s all good now! No leaks and I’m doing laundry. BAM!

My new side hustle is washing machine repair. Let me know if you need my help. 😉

I did this job AFTER spending the day with the Peskies at Sam’s Club.

I purchased a ton of stuff that I separated and put in the freezer — and I have more food to eat immediately than I can likely get away with before it goes bad. That’s the down side of Sam’s… everything looks good but comes in bigger packages.

Mama Pesky and Mozzie waited in the car and both were probably happy to see us return. What a muggy, hot day it was today.

Spoke tonight to Julie (my friend whose son is a physician in Georgia) about COVID in his facility. He explained to her that he treated at least 50 patients in the waiting room and parking garage. They have no beds. He told her about patients in their 30’s that he treated the day before that are now on a vent or deceased. It’s his opinion it’s worse this round than before. Scary stuff.

Stay safe, y’all.

TIL (Today I Learned): Elephants stay cancer free as they have 20 copies of a key tumor-fighting gene; humans have just one.