No trick or treaters tonight and none here last night either. I’m not even sure when trick-or-treat night is when it falls on a Sunday. It’s barely 45 degrees so if it was tonight… there are some cold goblins and ghouls.
As a kid, I think I dressed as either a hobo or a pirate every single year. Nanny would put that plastic pirate mask up and keep it safe all year… only to pull it out the next October. No trunk or treat or churches having places for kids to safely go, but we didn’t worry about eating popcorn balls or other homemade treats either. Not all change is bad — I think the trunk or treat is fabulous!
Almost November and I have one remaining plant outside. Not sure what I’m going to do with this guy or even if he can live inside…

TIL (Today I Learned): Indonesian researchers breed “good” mosquitos to combat dengue — a mosquito-borne viral infection found in tropical and sub-tropical climates. I don’t want people getting sick… but it’s sort of scary to think of what researchers across the globe are doing. ::cough:: COVID :: cough:: 🙄