the Facebook time machine

Nov 19, 2021

A few days ago, Facebook reminded me of something I posted 5-years prior. It was a “child test” — a series of questions where you record exactly what the child says. I snickered when I read 6 year-old Colette’s answers — and she laughed today too:

child test from 5-years ago

For the record, her birthday is still the same and she still loves Sky Zone. She agrees that sprinkles on the floor is still pretty sad. Everything else has changed. She said she figured I’m around 40 now. Sure hope I don’t age as quickly over the next 5-years.

Also for the record… when you have dark floors and dogs, rain is a big problem. Mopping is nothing but a waste of time.

muddy puppy prints

The yard is drying up so I’m going to try to get things back in order tomorrow as I put up my Christmas tree. Yes, I said I’m putting up my Christmas tree. Don’t judge me. It’s almost Thanksgiving. I had Perry pull everything from the attic a couple days ago and intended to get a start today. When I talked to my favorite brother, he and Tammy were putting up their tree — but I was too busy with work to start mine. I wanted to say something about priorities to him but let it slide. 😉

TIL (Today I Learned): The largest octopus in the world can grow to 30 feet across and has an extra brain in each of its arms. (Crazy when so many humans walk around without one brain in their head.)