Today is Thanksgiving Day and our little family gathered for a very non-traditional meal. Mom LOVES KFC… LOVES it. She would take you to the mat over a drumstick, and that’s what she wanted for Thanksgiving. So that’s what we got… yesterday.
We had to buy the food yesterday because KFC is closed for Thanksgiving. Yes, we had microwaved chicken for Thanksgiving. Cousin, NaLona, delivered a huge plate of turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, corn and deviled eggs (traditional food) and I ate more of her stuff than I did of ours. How awesome that she was there BEFORE we ate. 🙂
Before leaving to go home, we had to take a family photo. Nothing says ‘family’ like the love my Mom has for her dog, Mozzie. Getting ready for photos, Mom insisted that she hold the dog and snatched her from Carl’s arms with lightning precision. Mozzie isn’t a calm dog (sort of like Merida) and wasn’t keen on the whole photo thing.
Take One:

Take Two:
Take Three (the only decent one):
It really was a great day. Hope all y’all had a wonderful Thanksgiving too!