carrot top and kid rock

Jan 26, 2022

After posting on politics (albeit lightly) recently, I was thinking about how sick and tired I got of the media constantly criticizing Trump. He could do nothing right. According to many, he still can’t — and I’m STILL stick and tired of it. Even now, his tax returns are this huge deal that taxpayers must throw good money after bad so the powers that be have access to them.

But thinking back… the media was all over Obama’s birth records, called him a socialist that “pals around with terrorists,” and he was labeled the “Antichrist.” And now, (besides still harping on Trump), the masses want Biden to undergo mental agility testing. I guess it’s American to beat up on the person elected to run the country.

And I guess we notice it more if we like the one being beat up. 🙂

Yesterday, Kid Rock released a new track to kick-off his ‘Bad Reputation’ tour (being called the “super-spreader tour” by one side of the political arena). The song is “We the People,” the lyrics are colorful (crude actually), and the message clear. At least I thought it was clear until I read the Rolling Stone’s scathing review.

If they want to say it’s “ear-bleeding,” I get that. But probably because I like the one being beat up, I disagree that Kid Rock was “kissing up to his MAGA daddy” regarding closing the borders to help prevent the COVID spread — it’s exactly how I perceived what happened:

“We gotta act quick, shut our borders down. Joe Biden does, the media embraces/Big Don does it and they call him a racist.”

I’m vaccinated and boosted. I don’t believe every single thing Kid Rock stands for or even everything he expresses in the lyrics of his latest track. Pink supports Biden and I still like her. Why does it seem everything today must be separated by a huge divide?

Mom has two kids… one is ‘Carrot Top’ and the other is ‘Kid Rock.’ It doesn’t mean we don’t agree on some things.

Carrot Top and Kid Rock

And finally, it’s 6° F out there this morning, kids. If Merida could talk, she’d be asking why she didn’t get a thick coat of hair like Dharma. Of course, I’d tell her to suck it up and be glad she has a nice warm house to live in. Not just a roof over her head either. She has a soft place to lie down in a warm patch of sunshine.

Merida isn't outside in the cold.

TIL (Today I Learned): One of the cofounders of Alcoholics Anonymous, Bill W., asked for whiskey on his death bed. He was denied and died 36-years sober.