We’re all sick and tired of COVID and the way in which it’s changed our lives. All of us. Browsing FB this morning was no different than yesterday — some sharing photos of gatherings and concerts, while others are in fear of losing a loved one.
Columbus Regional has COVID patients in the hallways of the COVID wing — there are no beds. Are all of those horribly sick people unvaccinated? While curious — not to place blame… just interested in how protected vaccinated/boosted people really are — I’d never ask. It’s to the point that many are quiet about their vaccination status.
It’s like taking a “side” is a requirement. Even Dharma and Merdia work together for the better good. “Good” in their case just happens to be a treat. 🙂
I had an interesting conversation with a client last Friday…
This specific client booked 3 events right before COVID hit hard. Their contract was executed but no deposit had been made when events started postponing. As a Senior Lifestyles client, they had huge challenges and moving forward with any live event was out of the question. Last week, they firmed the date of their 1st of 3 events for mid-May.
The Senior Living industry has been hit so hard, their previous event theme no longer fit today’s times. Rather than striving to stand out from their competitors, their desire now is to get back to where they were before… only better. Because COVID has changed the lifestyles of everyone — especially older adults — there had to be a pivot. And not just for the one event! They’re implementing a core transition to compensate for the challenges brought about by a pandemic.
The overall objective now is simply to welcome back life.
There’s not a person on the planet who doesn’t want to embrace life without a lurking virus causing sickness, death, and isolation and shout, “welcome back!”
But a part of me thinks it’s too soon for that. Another part thinks it’s way past time. The rational, sensible, and optimistic part of me thinks by May (when their 1st event is scheduled), COVID will be under control and life will indeed be more normal than it has been since early 2020.
What do you think? Is it time to welcome back life — or should we pull back on the reins until Omicron has fizzled making sure no new variants are on the horizon?
I just have to say that I greatly admire the company for the thought they’ve put into their upcoming events, employees, and customers/clients. So many meetings are held just to have meetings. But this group? They’re truly thinking about how to best move forward for the success of their organization and teams, and to ensure they’re providing the level of quality and care their clients and prospects desire and deserve.
That sensible part of me I mentioned above? It knows days like this will be gone by May (even if COVID isn’t):
For the record, I’m STILL waiting on a “real” snowfall! 🙂
TIL (Today I Learned): Classical music and metal fans have the most similar personalities, based on a study of 36,000 people in more than 60 countries. “Both have the same basic motivation: to hear something dramatic and theatrical, a shared ‘love of the grandiose.‘”