There’s a meme shared often that says, “I don’t care how old or gansta you think you are. If a kid hands you a toy phone you better answer that shit.” I ran across probably my favorite photo of all time of Mr. Pesky. It was taken about 6 years-ago and it’s not him with a toy phone… it’s better.
I’m not sure Coco has any idea the power she holds to manipulate that dude up there. I can say I’d like to have — insert great item here — and he’d go on and on about how expensive it is. If Coco decided tomorrow she couldn’t live without a new Tesla, she’d have one parked in her driveway before the sun went down. And she’s 12.
“Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.”
Michael J. Fox
I’m planning to make a new entrée tomorrow. If it’s good, expect a photo. If it’s bad, y’all will know without me even telling you about it because the photo will be of garlic toast. 🙂
This new entrée doesn’t contain ground beef although it probably should. I had the Peskies pick up another 20 pounds yesterday at Sam’s Club. If you’ve never gotten meat there you might want to consider checking it out. It’s less expensive and pretty decent. At least that’s what a butcher’s daughter tells me anyway.
I made 6 meatloaves and divided the rest into packages. All went into the freezer. Even though COVID has improved my cooking skills a bit, it’s still not my jam. Nevertheless, I’ve added meal planning to my CV directly under event planning. If I’m asked to cater an event, I’ve got Alisa on speed dial.
TIL (Today I Learned): The 1966 Camaro with a 140 hp, 3.8 liter I6 engine and three-speed manual transmission had a fuel consumption of 5.4 MPG.