gloom, despair, and agony on me

Mar 10, 2022

If you’re old (like me) you probably remember the TV Show, “Hee-Haw” that was on the air from 1969 to 1992. And… if you ever watched a single episode you probably remember the song Buck Owens sang about deep, dark depression and excessive misery.

That’s what doomscrolling will get ya!

Doomscrolling (or doomsurfing) is the act of spending an excessive amount of screen time devoted to the absorption of negative news. First it was COVID… now it’s Russia and the Ukraine. Oh… and high gas prices and inflation and a bajillion other things that point to a gloomy future ahead.

Doomscrolling is not healthy. When social media networks push trending topics, the problem intensifies.

Current events are bad enough without doomscrolling.

Take Bill Zollars for example. He was appointed to the board of USPS by the current administration. Zollars was under a federal probe regarding defrauding the Pentagon in 2011, and he’s currently associated with companies that compete against USPS. So why appoint him, Democrats? And you won’t likely find that info by doomscrolling.

Watching news on TV in excess can be bad too.

Check out the body language and expressions in the photo below…

i am an image

When learning more about what’s going on in the world makes you feel like they look… unplug. 🙂

Turn off the TV and stop negative online surfing. Close your Twitter app. Talk to your spouse or friends or read a good, relaxing book. Listen to music. Play with your dogs if you have them — inside or outside, they don’t care. (They just don’t want to be outside if you’re inside — and vice versa.)


TIL (Today I Learned): The first three fictional artists to reach number 1 in the Billboard Hot 100 were all groups: the Chipmunks, the Archies and the Partridge Family.