companies have changed focus

Mar 19, 2022

I know y’all don’t care what speech topics are most important to companies even though I certainly do. You might; however, be interested to know how their focus is changing. Any change in focus reflects what leaders want employees to be better at — and what they think will be most important as we all move forward in business and life.

The published study compared Q3 of 2021 to Q1 of 2022. Companies are still focused on the following:

  1. Adapting to Change
  2. Personal Wellbeing
  3. Customer Service
  4. The New World of Sales
  5. Diversity and Inclusion

The biggest changes in focus revealed by the study:

  1. Workplace Culture — This didn’t even make the list in 2021 and now it’s the #1 trending topic to address. So now, the personality and character of a company is pretty darned important.
  2. Innovation/Creativity — ranking high in 2021 it’s totally absent currently.
  3. Inspiring Stories about Resilience — “you can do it!” is new to 2022.
  4. Teamwork — Ranking highly important last year, it’s not even in the top 10 for 2022.
  5. Equity — note this isn’t equality and it doesn’t mean like “equity in your house.”

my house

Company equity basically means that a company’s focus is on promoting an individual’s right to be different — and providing fair treatment regardless of gender, race, disability, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, or age — so they in turn benefit from the competitive advantage of employing diverse talent.

Spot on or need reevaluating?

If you’re in the workforce as an employee — and even if you’re not but benefit from the products and services of companies — what do YOU think should be the top 5 areas companies should focus on moving into mid-2022? Are current company trends on track for future success… or should priorities be reevaluated?

Priorities don’t always align.

One of my current priorities is to get back in the habit of walking. Merida keeps watch outside the door openly expressing her displeasure with my choice. 😉

Merida doesn't like it when I walk

TIL (Today I Learned): The flag of Jamaica is currently the only national flag that does not contain a shade of the colors red, white, or blue.