i’m waiting on my pirate ship

Mar 23, 2022

Up an at ’em early… taking Ms. Pesky for blood work this morning. I was in a fog when I stumbled out of bed at 6:00 AM (SIX IN THE FREAKING MORNING). I’m already on cup of coffee #3 and have completed the work that had to get done before lunch. Who knows how long I’ll be gone with Mom.

It’s still raining and I’m waiting on my pirate ship to arrive.

Mr. Pesky will drive here in the rain and pick me up… then babysit Mozzie while I go with Mom inside. I’m already dressed and ready to go!

arg matey

And if that’s not enough to scare you, you’re probably related to Blackbeard or Jack the Monkey.

The above photo is actually a screenshot from Duo. Ben and I were testing it out yesterday after eating at Pho Shiki to celebrate his negative COVID test.

He still looks a bit rough and says he’s got some ‘COVID brain’ leftover, but is feeling 100% better. Vaccinated and boosted (and who knows if that has anything to do with the severity of the virus at this point), he claims it wasn’t worse than a case of the flu.


Here’s to pirate ships… and pho chin… and the photo I’ll share tomorrow — the obligatory ‘Mom and Me’ doctor/hospital selfie. Oh, and to the nap I’m going to enjoy this afternoon.

pho shiki yum

TIL (Today I Learned): Women have been legally allowed to go topless in public in New York City since 1992.