Doing my daily “see how fast you can scroll” Facebook check today, I saw something I’d seen a million times before. It still made me stop scrolling and ask myself the question:
You’re going on vacation… but you can only go to a place that starts with the first letter of your FIRST name. Where are you going?
The first geographic location starting with the letter “S” that popped into my head was SIBERIA. But sheesh, you guys, I think I’m already there! Known for it’s harsh winters, Siberia is sparsely populated (which might be ok) — but it’s part of Russia (very NOT ok).
Seymour also starts with S… but it’s no vacation, for sure. Yesterday, we had hail. While the sun was shining, hail was pelting. And then, there was this…
A place with the letter S to vacation…
Sint Maarten is my pick. In the Caribbean, it ranks at the top of my favorite vacation spots. It’s part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and is a country on the southern part of an island shared with Saint Martin.
All you with “D” names going to Disney World? I’m jealous. Even if I travel with Ben to Belize, or Perry to Paris (Paris, France… NOT Paris Crossing, IN), I’d still rather get the “D” trip.
So where are you going?
TIL (Today I Learned): The founder of Safeway supermarkets was a preacher who felt that credit purchases were evil, and named his cash-only stores to promote the “safe way to shop”.