My favorite brother spoke yesterday at an event in Cincinnati and drove to the Ville to see Ms. Pesky before returning to Las Vegas. I took a few photos after having a really difficult time finding a good spot for the phone/camera. In the photo below, I’m pretty sure Ben was humoring me, I was surprised, Mom was wondering if it was going to work, and Scott was just happy to be in his hometown…

We were a bit better prepared for this one. It’s after I had to remind Mom to stop looking around at everyone else and instead look at where the phone/camera was. I almost got grounded. Again.

But the best photo of all was this one…

Captain Jack VS Mera
I watched most of yesterday’s Depp/Heard trial — it was over early. Amber talked about being an American and did everything but wave our country’s flag while saying that she’s received threats to put her baby in a microwave. Listen… I think she’s conniving. I think she’s a mean girl. I think she’s exaggerating. I think she would step on her own sister to get what she wants (and probably has in actuality). But even if she set this in motion, this trial has been hard for her.
Johnny was (is?) a drug abuser. A drug abuser with an endless supply of cash, fans, and people to cater to his every whim. Anyone that’s ever had an addict in their family knows how hard it is to love them… and what they’re capable of when they’re using. This trial has also been hard for him, but he asked for it in an attempt to clear his name.
Life is too short to be either one of them.
Closing arguments today — 2 hours for each side — then the case goes to the jury. If they don’t render an opinion by end of the court day, they’ll return on Tuesday to continue deliberating. Here’s guessing I won’t be talking about the trial until next week.
TIL (Today I Learned): Possums don’t “play dead.” They actually pass out due to fear of predators. They go into shock and faint when confronted, involuntarily. They are in a catatonic state until they become conscious again.