Closing arguments were yesterday in the Depp/Heard trial and two jurors were removed from deliberations as alternates. Both of them were judged by courtroom attendees as pro-Johnny Depp. But really… who knows?
Remember Casey Anthony?
I remember the Casey Anthony trial. My friend, Alisa, and I watched as much of the actual trial as we could, and then would watch CourtTV for recaps in the evening. We’d throw our opinions back and forth and we agreed on about everything. But rarely was the reporting from the mainstream media congruent with what we felt we heard live. This case is much the same.
Depp’s attorney, Camille Vasquez, wore white for closing arguments — Amber Heard wore a braid in her hair that looked like a halo. Perception may be important for jurors… but it’s mega-fodder for the media. The way the media reports sways public opinions — and the opinion of the public is paramount for the 2 celebrities in this case. Although it makes ZERO difference in the jury’s decision, it’s likely the most important thing for what comes after this trial.
What doesn’t make it to the jury could change everything.
For example, there’s a recording from the abuse claim in Australia — the altercation where Johnny lost his finger and Amber was allegedly raped with a bottle. The recording was from Amber’s phone and secretly recorded everything said by everyone in the aftermath. It clearly outlines that Amber had only “a few scratches” that everyone talking felt were self-inflicted. You can hear Amber saying things that are in agreement with Johnny’s testimony — not hers.
But this audio can’t come in as evidence because Depp’s bodyguard can be heard throughout… and he’s dead so he can’t give permission. Illustrations like the one below never make it to the jury either, but would obviously make an impact:

My opinion — just for me because no one else cares…
Heard shouldn’t have written the op-ed — she did it for the publicity. She didn’t need a temporary restraining order — Depp was heading out of the country for months. She did that for the publicity. Abused or not abused — Heard has done everything for the publicity. If she would’ve just told a believable story, rather than exaggerate and embellish her claims by growing the allegations over time, she might’ve had more in her camp. Real tears when fake crying might help too.
Instead, I’m rooting for Johnny Depp — I know what it feels like to be falsely accused in the media. It happened to our business years ago and it’s ugly. For normal people, fighting back isn’t an option.
And finally… Seymour Walmart sucks and the popular FaceBook profile photo app does too. ðŸ˜
It took me over an hour and a half to straighten out missing items from my Walmart delivery today. Walmart said my order was shopped for and delivered by one of their vendors so I needed to contact them. Walmart Seymour wasn’t able to refund the items not received, nor have them delivered. Even though Walmart took my money, it’s not their fault. ARG!
And the latest popular thing on Facebook is the new profile photo. Why use a photo of what you really look like when you can use a modified image that looks like this?

I’ll pass on the profile photo option and I’ve placed my last online delivery from Seymour Walmart. (At least until I’m over being mad.)