All you Walmart shoppers out there using home delivery — BEWARE!!
How is it ok for companies to just ding your credit card for whatever they want… whenever they want?
My horrible online delivery order from Walmart yesterday continues today. Yes, seriously. Not gonna’ lie, I’m pretty darned ticked off about it. The latest is yet another charge this morning that’s the exact same amount they were supposed to CREDIT. So here’s the deal, you guys. I received an email that I was being credited $17.72 for SOME of the missing items in my latest order, but they CHARGED me instead.

I’ve now paid twice for items I didn’t receive.
Perry is employed by Walmart so of course, I try to purchase my groceries there. But I’m done with this to the point I don’t even care what the end charge will be for this grocery order. It won’t happen again.
On a happier note, peep Mom’s hanging flowers…

- Received email on 10/28/22 to “review substitutions” at 11:13 AM ET.
- Order has been delivered email at 11:31 AM ET (not between 12:00 and 1:00 — driver had already left store when I got the substitution email — it takes at LEAST 15-minutes to get here from there.)
- Initiated chat at about missing items — they told me to call my store.
- Called OGP at Seymour Store at 12:30 PM ET
- Was told they can not issue refunds or deliver items
- Was told that the driver also shopped my items
- Was told I would have to contact Spark Driver – out of Walmart’s hands. (They provided number for Spark Driver.)
- Email at 12:40 PM ET “your delivery has been delayed” (Yup… the one that was already delivered.)
- At 12:49 PM ET I called 800-walmart
- Email at 12:57 PM ET “$20 promo code – thanks for being Walmart + member”
- Email at 2:06 PM ET “How was your call with Bianca from Walmart?”
- Email at 2:24 PM ET “How was your chat with Satvinder from Walmart?”
- Email at 6:51 PM ET from [email protected] from “Kyiri”
- Email with grammatical errors asking me to again list the items I didn’t get and to “please fill out a survey” regarding feedback of her service.
- Email at 7:54 PM ET from [email protected] — “You’re getting $35.88 back. You should get it in 10 business days”
- Email at 7:59 PM ET from [email protected] from Jackie — “You’re getting $17.72 back. You should get it in 10 business days”
- CC alert at 10:25 AM that I’m being CHARGED $17.72
Update: I emailed customer care to let them know I was CHARGED not CREDITED for the $17.72 and received the following email:
5/29/2022 12:36:57 PM (Central Time)
The refund of 17.72 was submitted on 5/25/2022 and is currently processing. It can take the financial institution 1-5 days to complete the process.
I didn’t purchase anything on 5/25/22 from Walmart.
I officially have no idea what the actual hell I’ve paid for or what I’ve received at this point. What I do know is Walmart has a hold on my CC for $244.40:

And, as of right this minute — 11:28 AM ET 5/29/2022 — my delivery is still scheduled for YESTERDAY.

TIL (Today I Learned): Walmart did not hire its first chief customer officer until 2018.