Peanut butter cookies!
Whenever I think of peanut butter cookies, I think of my Nanny. She would occasionally make a batch of snicker doodles, but I don’t remember her ever making chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin. Just lots of peanut butter cookies alongside her pies and cobblers. Even Nanny would’ve been proud of my baking accomplishment!

The accident.
Thing is, Nanny never had an assistant with 4 legs, so she probably never had the exact accident that I did. She also didn’t use parchment paper that I remember. Parchment paper is slick… and it will slide right off a cookie sheet — cookies and all — if your “assistant” bumps it just right.

I had to shut the oven off before baking that last dozen cookies — you know, before the house filled with stinky smoke. It took about an hour to clean up the mess… oh well, the oven needed cleaning anyway. For the record, baking soda mixed with water to the consistency of paste does a decent job. And, also for the record, my assistant wanted to lick it.

The bungling Sous Chef.
The Sous Chef was demoted to Commis Chef and felt pretty bad for her uncoordinated error. She left the kitchen area to pout on the couch. Merida is a good dog. Merida is a smart dog. Merida sucks in the kitchen. Except for eating… she’s GREAT at that.

Today is Memorial Day — the one day Americans pull together to honor all those who have died at war, fighting for our country.
Today is also the day my Pap-pa was born in 1904. Hope Nanny made him some peanut butter cookies for his birthday. ❤️
TIL (Today I Learned): Men are twice as likely to engage in gambling as women (69% compared to 36%) and they are 2.5 times as likely to have gambling problems (20.1% compared to 7.8%).