I’ve been absent here but for good reason… and not because I’m the one confirmed case in Indiana of monkeypox. While monkeypox symptoms are similar to the flu or COVID, it includes a nasty rash. A NASTY RASH! For the record, COVID is still around, you guys. My favorite brother’s wife is the only one in my family right now still sick — and this is her 3rd time to be infected after vaccinations and boosters.
Happy birthday to my Momma!
At least all the Hoosiers in the family were healthy to celebrate my sweet Momma’s birthday today. Pretty sure she’s 59 this year. Looks great, doesn’t she? She’s smiling because we arrived with KFC and that’s a big favorite of hers. No cake… per her orders. I wish I’d have thought to take a candle to stick in a chicken leg.

I tried setting up my phone camera to get group photos but my success rate was close to zero. Still have to share my one photo where everyone *almost* made it in because Perry and Coco pulled some pretty good faces.

Ben then took control and had 10 shots fired off in less than 2 minutes. He also had everyone move and got wood blocks from Carl that I didn’t have. Not taking anything away from his skills — at least we were all in the middle of the photos.

Here we go, Monday!
Let’s make this a good week! (Unlike the last two.) 🙂
TIL (Today I Learned): Before the Hoover Dam was built, there was a town where Lake Mead now is called St. Thomas. The entire town was purchased by the federal government and abandoned. However, the water level of the lake has fallen so much that parts of the town can be seen and explored.