Welp, you guys, I listed this house and it will go live soon. The chick that came to take photos really opened my eyes to how this process is going to roll. She had to wait outside while I distributed the dogs to their respective areas. That was just the beginning.
Merida is a psycho. Dharma doesn’t like going outside with her — she’s too rough. I put Dharma in the sunroom and Merida outside. Both were crazy to come back inside and the photo chick was less than thrilled. Then, she had to go outside for photos too, of course. That meant she had to stand in the hot sun while I let both dogs back in… and wait for me to open the gate for her. I reminded her to watch her step — those dogs poop out there, yanno.
It was a shit show.
The only real solution is to take the computers and dogs to Mom’s and stay there. Yes, we’re going to belly up as one big happy family of sardines for the short term. The upside is I can clean windows without my dog licking them as I go. I can steam mop the floors and the puppies won’t drool on them in 5-minutes. And, I can vacuum and won’t have dog hair floating around.
Basically, the house should be easier to sell without the complications. Certainly, it will be easier for the realtors to show. The other good thing is I can watch for the first red tomato and I can walk faster than my Momma.
Here we go… wish us all luck. 🙂

When I think that I have one more night to sleep in my own bed it makes me sad. It makes me sad even though I’m not a fan of living in Seymour. Crazy, right?
Hopefully, a firm offer will come soon, we can say goodbye to the 1980’s house, and we’ll all survive the moving process and come out on the other side in a better place.
TIL (Today I Learned): The U.S.A delivers mail using “Postal Donkeys” in some hard to reach areas. (I wonder if that’s how I’ll get mail where I end up.)