I changed my mind — that’s my prerogative.
Funny, I sat down to write this and that title popped in my head and I could NOT remember the song by Bobby Brown. Oh, I remembered some of the words, just not the tune. And I had totally forgotten that Brittany Spears recorded it too. Anyway…
I am waiting on a dog fence.
I planned to move so the house was easier to show; I could clean it better and it would stay clean; and I wouldn’t have to worry about what to do with my hounds when (if) there were viewings. But all that extra cleaning and dog jostling can’t be worse than taking them out on a leash 500 times a day.
So for now it’s hard, but it will all be just fine. I’m going to try to take the same attitude as a friend’s daughter who decided to sell her home and do full-time “van life.” She talks about how doing without things of comfort make her appreciate them more — and how not knowing where she’s going to park to sleep at night is an adventure. (This is the tiktok video I’m basing my nonsense on.)
I figure I don’t have to worry about having a bed to sleep in and I’ll have hot running water no matter what happens next. And tomorrow, I’ll buy a second dog kennel and have Perry get the other one out of the attic. Everything is going to be just fine.
And when this girl has a pool whenever I get settled — she’ll be just fine too. 🙂

TIL (Today I Learned): Mosquitoes are the only animals that have killed more humans than humans have.