First, because I’ve been spending quite a bit of time in the sunroom in the last week (less shedding and drooling water inside), I’ve had a bit more time on my hands. Looking through the various websites I have and the domains I own, I found that was home to a mock-up website created in 2018.
Now there’s something new there!
I created something brand new and hosed all the old work website stuff! It’s not like I need a second blog — I know that — and I won’t be sharing business insights or opinions on pop culture or court cases or politics, etc. there. It just seems like a good place to share things I enjoy — and right now, it’s about getting back to where I was before… a more laid back lifestyle.
WhatifitDid has been around since 2008. There are over 3,000 posts! While I don’t want to lose anything I’ve saved here, I’ve decided that A LOT OF STUFF MATTERS. Maybe at some point, I’ll only share on — so mosey on over.
Now on to why I feel beat up.
Had a showing of the house for sale today. The peskies picked me up and helped me load my two hounds into the back of their car and drove us around for an hour. I feel like I’ve had some kind of strenuous workout, and I’m guessing they feel the same.

TIL (Today I Learned): The original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics were violent and not child-friendly. The mousers were rat devouring robots, Donatello was prone to violent rages, and the turtles didn’t obsess over pizza, but did kill people regularly.