It’s the beginning of the end of my life in Seymour. The contingency offer on this house is now officially a firm offer to purchase. The buyers house was sold over the weekend. They’re moving fast — I have an appraiser and inspector coming next week.
Why did I pick this time to diet?
Of all the times to start a diet, I chose an already stressful period. If that’s not bad enough, Perry is torturing me! Why else would he put powered donuts on top of my tomatoes?

You don’t realize how much crap you’ve accumulated until it’s time to think about moving it. When I moved here, it was small to big. Big to small is harder.
When I moved out of the Crothersville house to come here, Ben was moving out of Nanny’s house into the one I had in the Ville — and Katie was moving into Nanny’s house. We just all pitched in together and it went pretty smoothly. The difference this time is… we are all 10-years older. More importantly, I’m 10-years older.
And I’m hungry. 🙂

When dinner looks like the above, satisfaction is absent.
TIL (Today I Learned): The Jacob Diamond, estimated to be worth £100 million (2008), was used as a paperweight for a long time until the diamond’s true value was realized.