Sometimes when you’re crazy busy, it’s hard not to feel like you’re not just wasting a whole summer of your life. That’s sort of my current situation.
In limbo and waiting on next steps insofar as the sale of this house, the things that need to be done are all horrible tasks. I’m working on staying positive and looking at this experience as an adventure… but I’m failing miserably.
And to make matters worse… I’m hungry! 🙂
Tomorrow is weigh-in day. Oh my! My diet competitors both have an advantage over me. Katie is young and Jeri has more to lose. And while I’m doing the slow and healthy way of weight loss, they’re both doing the ‘no carb’ plan. In other words, eating all the meat, eggs and cheese they want — even bacon. While effective, it’s not as healthy — but everyone has their own thing.
My thing last night was Kung Pao Chicken that even had my lips on fire.

TIL (Today I Learned): Prior to marrying his first cousin Emma Wedgwood, Charles Darwin mad a list of the pros and cons. The pros won out, they were married in 1839 and had ten children.