They say slow and steady wins the race and I’m hoping that’s true. I lost the battle this week — Jerilyn and Katie both beat me. I did end up with a grand total weight loss of 3.1 pounds, so I’m not complaining. And I can still win the war.
If they both quit, I can win.
The buyer’s home inspector was here today. Water and radon samples and a few inside the house things were completed prior to the “big” appointment on Wednesday. Without access to the house (I had to sit in the sunroom with dogs), Ben and Coco came to ensure I had lunch. Or maybe they just wanted me to BUY their lunch. 😉
Either way, I had a salad with ginger dressing that’s amazing, and a huge bowl of pho. Combined, they gobbled up most of my WW points so my dinner was a bit on the light side.

I sent the photo above to the fat girls. Jerilyn replied with, “YUCK!” Katie said it looked yummy. I replied that I love cucumbers and onions in vinegar.
Jerilyn said, “I love donuts.” 🙄Â
That comment alone lets me know I might just have a shot at winning this thing.
TIL (Today I Learned): Eleanor Roosevelt held her own press conferences where only female journalists were allowed. This ensured they kept their jobs during Depression-era layoffs, earning a steady income & professional status.