At after 6:00 PM, our “feels like” temperature is still 107°. It’s an oven outside and as luck would have it, today was the day of home inspection part duex.

I don’t know what the outcome will be, but holy cow! I’m pretty sure this guy touched every single thing in this house. I know this because I’m a weirdo. At least, I think I probably am…
Do all women do things like me?
Do all women stand back and look at their curtains so they are opened exactly equal with all the folds in the perfect spots? I do that — and none of them were in their place after inspection. Do all women know exactly where items are placed on the backs of their toilets? I do that — and nothing was in its right place. I know he had my refrigerator out because it wasn’t pushed back exactly like I had it… and, the iron wine rack beside it was askew.
Nothing awful… just little things. After being required to transport 2 dogs on this hot day, it just gave me something else to bitch about. 🙂

TIL (Today I Learned): Martin Luther King Jr. gave his copy of the “I have a dream” speech he had just delivered to the then security guard George Raveling. Raveling has been offered as much as $3 million for the original copy but he has refused all offers.