My day was a total disaster. After getting the inspection report for the house I’m selling, I was a tad frustrated. (You can read my thoughts about the crazy report here.)
Trying to simmer down, I went for a glass of tea.

Cleaning that mess took 2 towels to sop up the excess. The refrigerator had to be moved out to mop, and every item therein had to be removed and cleaned… including the drawers. Then I got to put everything back.
Once that was finished, I pulled a 24-pack of soda from the garage to replenish the supply in my clean refrigerator. There were two damaged cans that only started spewing AFTER I pulled them from the carton. That sticky liquid covered the fruit on the counter all the way up to the window over the sink.
So we ate yogurt because that was safe.

The evening improved — it’s a good thing because by that time my nerves were frayed to the point of breakage. Perry put my new chair together so I could relax and dream of being poolside sipping a margarita (not tea!). 🙂

TIL (Today I Learned): Mount Thor in Canada has the world’s longest vertical drop. If you fell off it, you would fall for over a kilometer (more than 1/2 mile) before you hit anything.