My big plans today amounted to a big fat ZERO.
It still feels like the Twilight Zone.
We have exactly two weeks before we turn over the keys to this house. Two weeks is a very long time when you’re waiting on something important. Two weeks isn’t very long when the place you want to buy has a survey not back yet.
I’ve been packing slowly and have put a big dent in the items to move. I still have lots to do… like take down all the wall hangings and clean them, and pull out the upholstery cleaner for the family room furniture. I haven’t even started on clothes but if I had a good 2 days with a little help, I’d be done.
Not this help though:

I might feel more excited if I knew for 100% sure I had a place to sleep on 9/2/22.
TIL (Today I Learned): During World War One up to 12 million letters a week were delivered to soldiers, many on the front line.