We dubbed the little house where I raised Ben “the villa.” Buster’s house was “Southfork.” The Pesky’s place is “Green Acres.” This house remains nameless. Maybe the next owners will name it.
The new place… if I EVER get there… already has a name.
Barndo Creek.
It’s a barndominium with a creek running across the back of the property. Obviously, we drew a blank and couldn’t think of anything else. 😉 We tossed around other names like “Garage Door Manor” and “the Mosquito Barn,” and after many disagreements, Barndo Creek prevailed.

Did you know that in the US you can name your property anything you want? You still have to have a situs address, (think about the White House at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue), and the deed doesn’t typically reflect the name. Since I don’t plan to create embroidered hand towels emblazoned with “Barndo Creek,” I won’t be going to the Post Office to add the name to the address. 😉
TIL (Today I Learned): Sandra Andersen had a dog, Eagle, who was widely considered the best cadaver dog in history. She was eventually convicted for planting evidence at suspected crime scenes.