I let Colette pick out colors for her room in the new barndo. That was before I found out her favorites are orange and purple. I’m not one to paint off white everywhere — I love color. But holy cow, you guys.
I wish I could start over.
It will be a few days before I share before and after photos because the ceiling is so tall, I have to grow my arm’s reach by 6″ or borrow a bigger ladder. The 6″ growth plan might be more feasible because the only thing I have to haul said ladder in is my trusty Mini Cooper. 😏
It’s frigid this morning in the Ville. Today marks the first snow of the season — October 18th.
These split units are still somewhat a mystery to me. I’m not 100% sure they work the way they’re supposed to but it’s warm enough in here so I guess it’s all good.
Merida is great with the colder temps since she’s wearing a nice black coat…

TIL (Today I Learned): Your “funny bone” nerve is called that because it’s connected to your humerus (as in humorous).