I set a goal to post one sunset per week for a year on shelleyerwin.com. I made it to week 3 before I failed. It wasn’t a failure exactly… it was just a photo of a sunset without the sun setting in it. 🙂
The photo of last night’s sunset that I took with my Canon EOS was gorgeous and I shared it today. The photo taken at the same time with my phone wasn’t quite as good — the color and detail quality is inferior — but it’s beautiful just the same.

Here it is… Monday once again and another work day is ahead of me. It’s easier here simply because I feel more at home.
I hope y’all have the same peace in your homes as I feel in mine. 🙂
TIL (Today I Learned): Faulty eyewitness identifications have contributed to about 70% of the more than 360 wrongful convictions reversed by DNA across the U.S.