If time and money were not issues, what would you being doing? Seriously… think about it.
Would you read more? Exercise more? Spend more time with family and friends? Downsize/downgrade to a place in the country with fewer responsibilities? 😉

When energy is spent doing anything it either…
- fuels us
- depletes us
Everyone understands the concept of full tank VS running on empty, right? If you skip doing life-giving activities that align with your desires and dreams, your tank will be nothing but fumes.
My low fuel light was on for about 8 years.
I was taking vacations and spending some time with family and friends, but it was just enough to keep me in reserve fuel status. I’ve spent 20+ years sitting in front of a computer juggling work projects at least 14-hours per day — most often times longer.
I’m over that shit! 💩
I’ll never be rich — heck, we didn’t even have 1 number on our Powerball tickets this week. But acquiring more money is NOT going to fill my life tank.
Again… if time and money were not issues, what would you be doing? Once you answer that question… do more of that and less of whatever you’re doing that depletes your energy.
TIL (Today I Learned): US Navy sailor’s love of ice cream in World War II was so great that in 1943 the Navy purchased an ‘ice cream barge’ to act as a mobile ice cream making factory for sailors and marines. The barge was capable of producing 10 gallons of ice cream every 7 minutes.