Facebook memories remind you of your past social media shares.
Shelley, we care about you and the memories you share here. We thought you’d like to look back on this post from 8 years ago.
Facebook Memories

I’m grateful to be looking back and not forward!
No neighbors close enough here to blast a light bright enough to illuminate my entire kitchen and living room. No privacy fence needed here either. That, my friends, is peace in my book.
This place — even with its faults (and there are many!) — is exactly what I needed. Not gonna lie… I wouldn’t mind if it was a stick-built brick home with hardwood floors and crown molding. But the fact that it isn’t doesn’t bother me one bit. Even the cricket sitting beside my desk on the concrete floor doesn’t phase me. If it’s a cricket VS a face melting light… I’ll take the cricket every single time.
From a dog’s viewpoint:
Now that the corn is gone, the doggos think there’s a whole new world to explore. I knew they would like it here better than their small fence-blocked yard in Seymour, but had no idea how much it would transform them.

Sure wish Libby was still around — she would patrol this place to the point that even Ralph (the local racoon) wouldn’t dare to come near. 🙂
TIL (Today I Learned): 250 miles north of San Francisco is California’s “Lost Coast.” There is almost 100 miles of mountainous, remote and nearly inaccessible coastline owned by the Federal Government.