My least favorite part of what I do as COO of our fine company is contracting. It’s not like everyone on the planet doesn’t have a certain aspect of their job they aren’t in love with – wading through legal terms is mine.
Contracting is the pivotal point where “you’re my best friend” turns to “I like you, but we need a legally binding agreement – and money — to be continue our relationship.”
It’s formal and it’s deliberate.
Hammering out legal details is never pleasant, and it gets even more tense and tedious when legal teams are involved. I’ll give in on some things, but other aspects are rock solid:
- We are picky on copyrights — no recording without an agreement… you pay more if you want to use the content.
- We don’t confirm a date until we have a signed contract and a deposit in place.
- And the speaker does NOT get on a plane to travel to the event until we have the final payment… that’s in the contract. Always.
And #3 is why I got a call at 1:30 AM ET this morning.
Melbourne is 15 hours different than me and there’s 12-hours difference from our office address. I’m sure the meeting planner thought I was in Las Vegas when she wanted to make sure I’d received payment advice of final payment for their upcoming event. She obviously thought making an emergency call at 10:30 PM wouldn’t be the end of the world.
No one would intentionally call someone about business at 1:30 in the freaking morning. Right? 😴
Temps in the low 60s with some rain.

It’s a typical fall morning except that it’s Monday and Halloween. I’m pretty sure that’s a legal holiday where I get the day off. 😉
TIL (Today I Learned): When Disneyland opened in 1955, the cost of admission was $1 (which is $11 adjusted for inflation in 2022).