the conspiracy continues

Nov 5, 2022

Not to keep rehashing the same old stuff… but I’m pretty sure there’s a conspiracy to make me hate it here.

Eating outside was great — until it wasn’t.

So warm outside yesterday, I took my lunch to the deck. Crazy to think one can enjoy above 70°F temps in November in Indiana.

Sitting there munching on my microwaved Echrich grillers and Lays chips, I was smiling on the inside. I couldn’t stop thinking how I NEVER did the same thing when I lived in Seymour and how great the sun felt on my face.

eating lunch outside

And then… Merida started retching and deposited two huge piles of puke. Right by my feet. Right beside the table.

That was the end of my lunch.

I don’t believe Merida is in on the scheme to change my mind about living here because she likes it too much. It has to be some country ghoul haunting the barndo and attempting to convince me that we should live someplace else. Not. Going. To. Happen.

TIL (Today I Learned): In Thailand, American fried rice is a dish consisting of rice, tomato ketchup, meat, and raisins. It may also include other ingredients like pineapple and croutons. 🤢